

AKG Anti-Aging: How to delay aging by repairing DNA and balancing genes!

Alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG for short) is an important metabolic intermediate that plays a key role in the human body, especially in energy metabolism, antioxidant response, and cell repair.

In recent years, AKG has received attention for its potential to delay aging and treat chronic diseases. Here are the specific mechanisms of action of AKG in these processes:

DNA repair

AKG plays multiple roles in DNA repair, helping to maintain DNA integrity through the following pathways:

As a cofactor for hydroxylation reactions: AKG is a cofactor for many dioxygenases (such as TET enzymes and PHDs enzymes).

These enzymes are involved in DNA demethylation and histone modification, maintaining genome stability and regulating gene expression.

TET enzyme catalyzes the demethylation of 5-methylcytosine (5mC) and converts it into 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC), thereby regulating gene expression.

By supporting the activity of these enzymes, AKG helps repair DNA damage and maintain genome integrity.

Antioxidant effect: AKG can reduce DNA damage caused by oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS).

Oxidative stress is an important factor leading to DNA damage and cellular aging. By enhancing the antioxidant capacity of cells, AKG can help prevent DNA damage related to oxidative stress.

 Repair cells and tissues

AKG plays an important role in cell repair and tissue regeneration, mainly through the following pathways:

Promote stem cell function: AKG can enhance the activity and regenerative capacity of stem cells. Research shows that AKG can extend the lifespan of stem cells, promote their differentiation and proliferation, and thus contribute to tissue regeneration and repair.

By maintaining the function of stem cells, AKG can delay tissue aging and improve the body's regenerative capabilities.

Enhance cell metabolism and autophagy: AKG participates in the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle) and is an important intermediate product of cellular energy metabolism.

By enhancing the efficiency of the TCA cycle, AKG can increase cellular energy levels and support cell repair and functional maintenance.

In addition, AKG has been found to promote the autophagy process, helping cells remove damaged components and maintaining cell health.

Gene balance and epigenetic regulation

AKG plays an important role in gene balance and epigenetic regulation, helping to maintain the normal function and health of cells:

Influences epigenetic regulation: AKG regulates gene expression patterns by participating in epigenetic modifications, such as demethylation of DNA and histones.
Epigenetic regulation is a key regulatory mechanism for gene expression and cell function. The role of AKG can help maintain the normal expression of genes and prevent diseases and aging caused by abnormal gene expression.

Inhibit inflammatory response: AKG can reduce the chronic inflammatory response associated with aging by regulating gene expression.

Chronic inflammation underlies many aging-related diseases, and the anti-inflammatory effects of AKG can help prevent and alleviate these conditions.

Delay aging and treat chronic diseases

AKG’s multiple actions give it potential in delaying aging and treating chronic diseases:

Delay aging: By promoting DNA repair, enhancing antioxidant capacity, supporting stem cell function, regulating gene expression, etc., AKG can delay the aging process of cells and tissues.

Animal studies show that supplementing with AKG can extend lifespan and improve health in older animals.

Treatment of chronic diseases: AKG’s effects in improving metabolic function, anti-inflammation, and antioxidant make it potentially useful in the treatment of chronic diseases.

For example, AKG may have preventive and therapeutic effects on diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, etc.


AKG plays a role in delaying aging and treating chronic diseases by repairing DNA, promoting cell and tissue repair, maintaining gene balance and regulating epigenetics.

The synergistic effect of these mechanisms makes AKG a promising target for anti-aging and chronic disease intervention.

In the future, further research will help reveal more potential benefits of AKG and its application possibilities.

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Post time: Sep-05-2024