

Can You Buy Spermidine Powder in Bulk? Here’s What to Know

Spermidine has received attention from the health and wellness community for its potential anti-aging and health-promoting properties. Therefore, many people are interested in buying spermidine powder in bulk. But before buying, there are some important things to consider. First, it is crucial to understand the source and quality of spermidine powder. Find a reputable supplier that offers high quality pure spermidine powder. This will ensure you get a safe and effective product. Also, consider the storage and shelf life of spermidine powder. When purchasing in bulk, it is important to have proper storage conditions to maintain the potency of the product. Make sure to store the powder in a cool, dry place and check the expiration date before purchasing. By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision and reap the potential benefits of spermidine supplementation.

Is wheat germ oil the same as spermidine?

Wheat germ oil is derived from the germ of wheat kernels and is known for its rich nutritional content. It is a concentrated source of many essential nutrients, including vitamin E, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and various phytonutrients. Due to its nutrient density, wheatgerm oil is highly regarded for its potential health benefits, such as supporting heart health, promoting healthy skin and providing antioxidant protection.

Spermidine, on the other hand, is a polyamine compound that occurs naturally in the body and in various foods. It has gained attention for its potential anti-aging properties and its role in cellular health. Spermidine has been studied for its ability to induce autophagy, a cellular process that helps remove damaged components and promotes cell renewal. This has led to growing interest in spermidine as a potential longevity compound.

So, are wheat germ oil and spermidine the same? The short answer is no. Wheat germ oil and spermidine are different compounds with different compositions and properties. However, there is a connection between the two in the sense that wheat germ oil contains spermidine. Spermidine occurs naturally in wheat germ, which is why wheat germ oil is often cited as a source of spermidine.

While wheat germ oil contains spermidine, it's worth noting that the spermidine content can vary depending on factors such as extraction method and the quality of the wheat germ. Therefore, while wheat germ oil may aid in spermidine intake, it may not provide a standardized or high concentration of spermidine compared to spermidine supplements or spermidine-rich foods.

Given the potential health benefits of spermidine, there is growing interest in spermidine supplementation as a means of supporting overall health and longevity. Spermidine supplements are now available and provide a more concentrated and standardized source of spermidine than relying solely on spermidine-containing foods or ingredients such as wheat germ oil.

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Can Spermidine Powder Improve Your Longevity?


It has been found that spermidine resists aging mainly through the following methods: increasing autophagy, promoting lipid metabolism, and regulating cell growth and death processes. Autophagy is the main function of spermidine, which is to remove waste materials in cells, purify the living environment of cells, keep the human body in a clean state, and play an active role in slowing down the aging process. In addition to autophagy, spermidine also promotes mitophagy, thereby promoting mitochondrial health.

Spermidine can also open multiple anti-aging channels. On the one hand, it inhibits mTOR (excessive activity can promote cancer and accelerate aging), and on the other hand, it can activate AMPK (an important longevity channel, which can reduce inflammation and burn fat), thus doing Anti-aging in all aspects. In nematode experiments, supplementing spermidine to activate AMPK can extend lifespan by 15%.

Spermidine is used as a supplement in hopes of its possible anti-aging and longevity effects. This expectation is not unfounded, as spermidine is well known for its ability to promote autophagy. Autophagy is a "cleaning" mechanism within cells that helps remove waste and unwanted components to maintain cell health. This is thought to be one of the main mechanisms by which spermidine may affect the aging process.

In biology, spermidine does much more than that. It plays a key role in regulating a variety of biological processes, including maintaining intracellular pH levels and stabilizing cell membrane potential. In addition, spermidine is also involved in many important biological pathways, such as activation of aspartate receptors, activation of the cGMP/PKG pathway, regulation of nitric oxide synthase, and regulation of synaptosome activity in the cerebral cortex.

In particular, spermidine has aroused great interest among scientists in the field of aging research. Because it is considered a key morphogenetic determinant of the lifespan of cells and living tissues, this means that it may play an important role in determining the lifespan of organisms. Further research pointed out that spermidine's ability to trigger autophagy may be its main mechanism for delaying aging and extending lifespan. This mechanism has been verified in various biological models such as mouse hepatocytes, worms, yeast, and fruit flies.

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The Top 5 Benefits of Spermidine Powder

1. Spermidine is thought to fight obesity

One study looked at how spermidine might help fight obesity. The study focused on the effects of spermidine on fat cells in mice, particularly those fed a high-fat diet. Normally, the body produces heat by burning fat, a process called thermogenesis. The study found that spermidine did not alter heat production in normal-weight mice. However, in obese mice, spermidine significantly improved thermogenesis, especially under certain conditions such as cold environments.

Additionally, spermidine improved the way fat cells in these mice processed sugar and fat. This improvement is related to two factors: activation of the cellular cleanup process (autophagy) and an increase in a specific growth factor (FGF21). This growth factor in turn affects other pathways in the cell. When the researchers blocked the effects of this growth factor, spermidine's beneficial effects on fat burning disappeared. This study suggests that spermidine may be a useful tool in managing obesity and its related health problems.

2. Anti-inflammatory properties

Spermidine plays a major role in promoting longevity by activating the autophagy mechanism, but research has also revealed its multifaceted health benefits. In addition to autophagy, spermidine displays significant anti-inflammatory properties, which are clearly documented in the scientific literature. Inflammation is the body's natural defense response that helps in the short term to heal wounds and defend against pathogen invasion. However, long-term chronic inflammation is associated with a variety of aging-related diseases. It not only hinders the regeneration of healthy tissues, but may also cause immune cell dysfunction and accelerate cellular aging. Spermidine’s anti-inflammatory effects may help reduce this chronic inflammatory state, thereby protecting cells and tissues and slowing down the aging process.

In addition, spermidine also plays an important role in lipid metabolism, cell growth and proliferation, and programmed cell death (apoptosis). These biological processes are critical to maintaining body homeostasis and health. Spermidine's ability to modulate these processes further supports its multiple roles in promoting health and extending lifespan.

In summary, spermidine not only promotes longevity through the autophagy pathway, but also has a wide range of biological effects including anti-inflammation, regulating lipid metabolism, promoting cell growth and proliferation, and participating in apoptosis, etc., which together form the basis of spermidine. Amines support complex mechanisms of health and longevity.

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3. Fat and blood pressure

Lipid metabolism is an important factor affecting lifespan, and its dysfunction can have serious impacts on health and lifespan. Spermidine plays an important role in adipogenesis and has the ability to alter lipid distribution, which may suggest another way in which spermidine affects lifespan.

Spermidine promotes the differentiation of preadipocytes into mature adipocytes, while α-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) blocks adipogenesis. Despite the presence of DFMO, administration of spermidine reversed the disruption of lipid metabolism. Spermidine also restored the expression of transcription factors required for preadipocyte differentiation and transcription factors associated with markers of advanced adipocytes. Combined, these compounds may be beneficial to health and longevity.

4. Spermidine can reduce cognitive decline

A 2021 study published in the journal Cell Reports details dietary spermidine improving cognition and mitochondrial function in flies and mice, complementing some prospective human data. While this study is interesting, it has some limitations and additional dose-response data are needed before firm conclusions can be drawn about cognitive benefits in humans. There is also some evidence that it may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In a 2016 study, spermidine was found to reverse certain aspects of aging and improve cardiovascular function in older mice.

At the organ level, heart structure and function improved in aged mice given spermidine. These mice also experienced improved metabolism due to restoration of mitochondrial structure and function. In humans, data from two population-based studies suggest that spermidine intake is associated with reduced all-cause, cardiovascular, and cancer-related mortality in humans.

Based on these data and other studies, some researchers have concluded that spermidine may slow aging in humans. This data is not yet fully conclusive, but certainly warrants further study. Observational studies in humans have also found a link between dietary spermidine intake and reduced risk of colon cancer.

5. Spermidine and Gut Health

In a 2024 study, researchers explored how a certain type of sugar, novel agar-oligosaccharides (NAOS), could improve intestinal health in chickens. Although the purpose of this study focused on antibiotics in animal feed, spermidine's potential as a means of improving intestinal health in humans is implicit.

When they added NAOS to the chickens' diets, the results were encouraging: The chickens grew better and their gut health improved significantly. This includes better digestion and nutrient absorption, as well as healthier intestinal structure. The researchers found that NAOS positively altered the gut bacteria of these birds, specifically promoting the growth of spermidine-producing bacteria.

They further demonstrated that these beneficial bacteria can use NAOS to grow and produce more spermidine. This study not only lays a solid foundation for the use of NAOS as a safe alternative to antibiotics in animal farming, but also highlights its role in enhancing intestinal health in humans by consuming NAOS to accelerate spermidine production. More research is needed to determine whether the results of this work can be transferred to humans.

Why Should You Buy Spermidine Powder?


Research and application

Delaying aging: Through the explanation of the above physiological functions, it is not difficult to find that spermidine is very helpful in extending lifespan, improving people's cognitive functions and overall health, whether it is at the cellular level or as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. .

Cardiovascular Health: Spermidine helps protect the cardiovascular system and reduces the risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. In a mouse experiment, spermidine supplementation promoted blood vessel growth and improved blood flow. Another study analyzed dietary data from U.S. adults and found that higher dietary spermidine intake was associated with significantly lower cardiovascular disease mortality.

Neuroprotection: In the nervous system, spermidine helps maintain the health of neurons, and the SmartAge trial at Charité University School of Medicine in Berlin is studying the effect of 12 months of spermidine supplementation in people with subjective cognitive decline (SCD). Effects on memory performance in older adults. Preliminary results suggest that spermidine may improve memory performance and overall cognitive function. May be beneficial in preventing and treating neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Even more effective than traditional dementia treatments.

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Medical field

- Spermidine significantly enhanced the angiogenic ability of aging endothelial cells, thereby promoting neovascularization in aging mice under ischemic conditions, showing potential therapeutic value for ischemic cardiovascular disease.

- Spermidine can effectively alleviate diabetic cardiomyopathy by reducing ROS, ERS, and Pannexin-1-mediated iron deposition, improving cardiac function, and reducing myocardial damage in diabetic mice and cardiomyocytes.

- As a natural polyamine, spermidine not only has age-protective properties and can extend biological lifespan, but also exhibits potential anti-tumor effects, including enhancing mitochondrial function and promoting autophagy.

- Spermidine effectively alleviates obesity and metabolic disorders by activating brown fat and skeletal muscle, improving insulin resistance, and reducing hepatic steatosis induced by high-fat diet in mice.

- Spermidine, as a natural polyamine, not only maintains telomere length and delays aging, but also enhances autophagy, helps extend lifespan, and reduces age-related diseases in a variety of model systems.

- Spermidine exhibits the potential to dissolve beta-amyloid plaques, is closely related to age and memory ability, and may become a biomarker of neurocognitive changes such as dementia.

- Spermidine effectively protects the kidney from ischemia-reperfusion injury by inhibiting DNA nitration and PARP1 activation, providing a new strategy for the treatment of acute kidney injury.

- Spermidine significantly reduces lung inflammation, neutrophil numbers, lung tissue damage, collagen accumulation and endoplasmic reticulum stress, helping to prevent or treat acute lung injury and pulmonary fibrosis.

- In LPS-stimulated BV2 microglia, spermidine inhibits the production of NO, PGE2, IL-6 and TNF-α through the NF-κB, PI3K/Akt and MAPK pathways, exhibiting significant anti-inflammatory effects.

- Spermidine has strong antioxidant activity and can effectively scavenge DPPH and hydroxyl radicals, prevent DNA oxidation, and increase the expression of antioxidant enzymes, showing the potential to prevent ROS-related diseases.

Food field

- Spermidine has shown potential to prevent and treat symptoms of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, obesity and type II diabetes, indicating its broad application prospects in functional foods with significant benefits for metabolic health.

- Spermidine can increase the abundance of lachnospiraceaceae bacteria and strengthen the intestinal barrier function of obese mice, showing its potential benefits for intestinal health in food.

- Spermidine can effectively alleviate obesity and metabolic disorders by activating brown fat and skeletal muscle. Its food application prospects include fighting obesity and promoting metabolic health.

- Dietary spermidine supplementation may increase telomere length, thereby affecting the aging process. Future research needs to further explore its food applications and the longevity potential of spermidine through the induction of autophagy. Based on current research, its food applications in life extension and anti-aging are highly anticipated.

- Spermidine significantly enhances Nb CAR-T cell toxicity of lymphoma cells by promoting proliferation and memory. Its food application potential in enhancing immunity deserves further exploration.

Agricultural Field

- Spermidine is used to preserve citrus, which can significantly reduce fruit drop while maintaining fruit quality and taste. Spermidine is applied at a concentration as low as 1 mmol/L to effectively enhance plant immunity.

- Spermidine exhibits the potential to reduce oxidative stress in the silk glands of Bombyx mori, providing sericulture farmers with a beneficial antioxidant that can be applied in the rearing of silkworms.

Frequently Asked Questions About Buying Spermidine Powder

Purity and quality

When purchasing spermidine powder, it is important to prioritize purity and quality. Look for products made with high-quality natural ingredients and free of fillers, additives, and artificial ingredients. Ideally, choose products that have been third-party tested for purity and potency to ensure you're getting a reliable and effective supplement.


Bioavailability refers to the body's ability to absorb and utilize nutrients in a supplement. When purchasing spermidine powder, look for the product with the best bioavailability. This may include using advanced delivery systems or adding bioenhancers to improve the absorption of spermidine in the body. Highly bioavailable spermidine powder will ensure you get the maximum benefit from your supplement.

Dosage and Serving Size

Note the recommended dosage and serving size of spermidine powder. Different products may vary in spermidine potency and concentration, so it is important to follow the recommended dosage guidelines provided by the manufacturer. Also, consider portion size convenience, as some products may be available in single-serve packaging or easy-to-measure spoons for added convenience.

Brand reputation

When purchasing any supplement, you must consider the reputation of the brand. Look for a company with a proven track record of producing high-quality, science-backed supplements. Check for customer reviews, certifications, and any relevant certifications to demonstrate the brand’s commitment to quality and transparency.

Price vs value

While price shouldn't be the only deciding factor, it's important to consider the overall value of spermidine powder. Compare the price per serving of different products and consider the overall quality, purity, and potency of the supplement. Investing in high-quality spermidine powder may bring greater benefits in the long run.

Is spermidine safe?

Spermidine is a naturally occurring product in the body and is part of the natural diet. Data suggest that supplementation with spermidine is safe and well tolerated. There are no known adverse side effects of spermidine supplementation. Several studies have been conducted on it and the results show that it is well tolerated. Of course, as with any supplement, anyone who experiences side effects should stop taking it immediately and consult a doctor.

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Where to Buy Quality Spermidine Powder in Bulk


When purchasing spermidine powder in bulk, quality and reliability must be your priority. One of the best places to source high-quality spermidine powder is through reputable health and wellness companies that specialize in dietary supplements. These companies often offer bulk purchase options, allowing you to stock up on this beneficial compound while ensuring its purity and potency.

Additionally, you may consider contacting manufacturers and suppliers directly to inquire about bulk purchasing options for spermidine powder. By establishing direct relationships with reputable suppliers, you can ensure the quality and authenticity of your products while potentially obtaining wholesale pricing.

Before making a purchase, it is crucial to do your due diligence and research the reputation and quality standards of the supplier or retailer. Look for certifications such as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and third-party testing to ensure that spermidine powder meets strict quality and safety standards.

Suzhou Myland Pharm & Nutrition Inc. is an FDA-registered manufacturer that provides high-quality and high-purity spermidine powder.

At Suzhou Myland Pharm, we are committed to providing the highest quality products at the best prices. Our spermidine powder is rigorously tested for purity and potency, ensuring you get a high-quality supplement you can trust. Whether you want to support enhanced overall health, or produce research, our spermidine powder is the perfect choice.

With 30 years of experience and driven by high technology and highly optimized R&D strategies, Suzhou Myland Pharm has developed a range of competitive products and become an innovative life science supplement, custom synthesis and manufacturing services company.

In addition, Suzhou Myland Pharm is also an FDA-registered manufacturer. The company's R&D resources, production facilities, and analytical instruments are modern and multifunctional, and can produce chemicals from milligrams to tons in scale, and comply with ISO 9001 standards and production specifications GMP. 

Can I purchase spermidine powder in bulk?
Yes, you can buy spermidine powder in bulk from various suppliers. However, it's important to ensure that you are purchasing from a reputable source to guarantee the quality and purity of the product.

What should I consider when buying spermidine powder in bulk?
When purchasing spermidine powder in bulk, it's crucial to consider the supplier's reputation, product quality, and any certifications they may have. Additionally, you should also check the expiration date and storage recommendations to ensure the longevity of the product.

Are there any regulations or restrictions when buying spermidine powder in bulk?
Before purchasing spermidine powder in bulk, it's important to familiarize yourself with any regulations or restrictions related to the purchase and import of dietary supplements in your country or region. This will help ensure compliance with legal requirements.

What are the potential benefits of buying spermidine powder in bulk?
Buying spermidine powder in bulk may offer cost savings compared to purchasing smaller quantities. Additionally, having a larger supply on hand can ensure continuity in your supplementation routine and may be convenient for those who regularly use spermidine as a dietary supplement.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only and should not be construed as any medical advice. Some of the blog post information comes from the Internet and is not professional. This website is only responsible for sorting, formatting and editing articles. The purpose of conveying more information does not mean that you agree with its views or confirm the authenticity of its content. Always consult a health care professional before using any supplements or making changes to your health care regimen.

Post time: Sep-02-2024