

Why You Should Consider Magnesium for Your Routine and Here’s What to Know?

Magnesium deficiency is becoming increasingly common due to poor diet and living habits. In the daily diet, fish accounts for a large proportion, and it contains a lot of phosphorus compounds, which will hinder the absorption of magnesium. The loss rate of magnesium in refined white rice and white flour is as high as 94%. Increased drinking causes poor absorption of magnesium in the intestines and increases magnesium loss. Habits such as drinking strong coffee, strong tea and eating too salty foods can cause a lack of magnesium in human cells. Therefore, scientists suggest that people in middle age should eat "magnesium", that is, eat more foods rich in magnesium.

Some brief introduction about magnesium


Some of the most common benefits of magnesium include:

•Relieves leg cramps
•Helps relax and calm
•Helps sleep
•Relieve muscle soreness
•Balance blood sugar
•Is an important electrolyte that maintains heart rhythm
•Maintain bone health: Magnesium works with calcium to support bone and muscle function.
•Involved in energy (ATP) production: Magnesium is essential in producing energy, and magnesium deficiency can make you feel tired.

However, there’s a real reason why magnesium is essential: Magnesium promotes heart and artery health. An important function of magnesium is to support arteries, specifically their inner lining, called the endothelial layer. Magnesium is necessary to produce certain compounds that keep arteries at a certain tone. Magnesium is a powerful vasodilator, which helps other compounds keep arteries supple so they don't become stiff. Magnesium also works with other compounds to inhibit platelet formation to avoid blood clots, or blood clots. Since the number one cause of death worldwide is heart disease, it’s important to learn more about magnesium.

The FDA allows the following health claim: "Consumption of a diet containing adequate magnesium may reduce the risk of high blood pressure. However, the FDA concludes: The evidence is inconsistent and inconclusive." They have to say this because there are so many factors involved.

Healthy eating is also important. If you eat an unhealthy diet, such as one rich in carbohydrates, taking magnesium alone won't have much effect. So it's hard to pinpoint cause and effect from a nutrient when it comes to so many other factors, especially diet, but the point is, we know that magnesium has a huge impact on our cardiovascular system.

Magnesium is one of the indispensable mineral elements for the human body and the second most important cation in human cells. Magnesium and calcium jointly maintain bone density, nerve and muscle contraction activities. Most daily meals are rich in calcium, but lack magnesium. Milk, for example, is the main source of calcium, but it cannot provide sufficient magnesium. . Magnesium is an important component of chlorophyll, which gives plants their green color, and is found in green vegetables. However, only a very small portion of the magnesium in plants is in the form of chlorophyll.

Magnesium plays an important role in human life activities. The reason why people can stay alive depends on a series of complex biochemical reactions in the human body to maintain life activities. These biochemical reactions require countless enzymes to catalyze them. Foreign scientists have found that magnesium can activate 325 enzyme systems. Magnesium, together with vitamin B1 and vitamin B6, participates in the activities of various enzymes in the human body. Therefore, it is well-deserved to call magnesium an activator of life activities.

Magnesium can not only activate the activities of various enzymes in the body, but also regulate nerve function, maintain the stability of nucleic acid structures, participate in protein synthesis, regulate body temperature, and can also affect people's emotions. Therefore, magnesium participates in almost all metabolic processes of the human body. Although magnesium is second only to potassium in intracellular content, it affects the "channels" through which potassium, sodium, and calcium ions are transferred inside and outside cells, and plays a role in maintaining biological membrane potential. The lack of magnesium will inevitably cause harm to human health.

Magnesium is also indispensable for protein synthesis and is also very important for the production of hormones in the human body. It can play a role in the production of hormones or prostaglandins. Magnesium deficiency can easily induce dysmenorrhea, which is a common phenomenon among women. Over the years, scholars have had different theories, but the latest foreign research data shows that

Dysmenorrhea is related to a lack of magnesium in the body. 45% of patients with dysmenorrhea have magnesium levels that are significantly lower than normal, or below the average. Because magnesium deficiency can make people emotionally tense and increase the secretion of stress hormones, leading to an increased incidence of dysmenorrhea. Therefore, magnesium helps relieve menstrual cramps.

The content of magnesium in the human body is much less than that of calcium and other nutrients. Although its amount is small, it does not mean that it has a small effect. Cardiovascular disease is closely related to magnesium deficiency: patients who die from cardiovascular disease have extremely low levels of magnesium in their hearts. A lot of evidence shows that the cause of heart disease is not coronary artery infarction, but coronary artery spasm causing cardiac hypoxia. Modern medicine has confirmed that magnesium plays an important regulatory role in heart activity. By inhibiting the myocardium, it weakens the heart's rhythm and excitation conduction, which is beneficial to the heart's relaxation and rest.

If the body is deficient in magnesium, it will cause spasm of the arteries that supply blood and oxygen to the heart, which can easily lead to sudden cardiac arrest and death. In addition, magnesium also has a very good protective effect on the cardiovascular system. It can reduce the cholesterol content in the blood, prevent arteriosclerosis, expand the coronary arteries, and increase the blood supply to the myocardium. Magnesium protects the heart from damage when its blood supply is blocked, thereby reducing mortality from heart attacks. Moreover, scientists have found that magnesium can prevent damage to the cardiovascular system from drugs or environmental harmful substances and improve the anti-toxic effect of the cardiovascular system.

Magnesium and Migraines

Magnesium deficiency is prone to migraine. Migraine is a relatively common disease, and medical scientists have different views on its cause. According to the latest foreign data, migraines are related to the lack of magnesium in the brain. American medical scientists pointed out that migraines are caused by metabolic dysfunction of nerve cells. Nerve cells require adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to supply energy during metabolism.

ATP is a polyphosphate in which the polymerized phosphoric acid is released when hydrolyzed and releases the energy required for cell metabolism. However, the release of phosphate requires the participation of enzymes, and magnesium can activate the activity of more than 300 enzymes in the human body. When magnesium is deficient in the body, the normal function of nerve cells is disrupted, leading to migraines. Experts confirmed the above argument by testing the brain magnesium levels of migraine patients and found that most of them had brain magnesium levels below the average.

Magnesium and Leg Cramps

Magnesium is mostly found in nerve and muscle cells in the human body. It is an important neurotransmitter that regulates nerve sensitivity and relaxes muscles. Clinically, magnesium deficiency causes nerve and muscle dysfunction, which mainly manifests as emotional restlessness, irritability, muscle tremors, tetany, convulsions, and hyperreflexia. Many people are prone to leg "cramps" during sleep at night. Medically It is called "convulsive disease", especially when you catch cold at night.

Many people generally attribute it to calcium deficiency, but calcium supplementation alone cannot solve the problem of leg cramps, because the lack of magnesium in the human body can also cause muscle spasms and cramp symptoms. Therefore, if you suffer from leg cramps, you need to supplement calcium and magnesium to solve the problem.
Why is magnesium deficient? How to supplement magnesium?

In the daily diet, fish accounts for a large proportion, and it contains a lot of phosphorus compounds, which will hinder the absorption of magnesium. The loss rate of magnesium in refined white rice and white flour is as high as 94%. Increased drinking causes poor absorption of magnesium in the intestines and increases magnesium loss. Habits such as drinking strong coffee, strong tea and eating too salty foods can cause a lack of magnesium in human cells.

Magnesium is the “workplace rival” of calcium. Calcium resides more outside cells. Once it enters various cells, it will promote muscle contraction, vasoconstriction, nerve excitation, certain hormone secretion and stress response. In short, it will make everything excited; and the normal functioning of the body , more often than not, you need calmness. At this time, magnesium is needed to draw calcium out of the cells - so magnesium will help relax muscles, heart, blood vessels (lower blood pressure), mood (regulate the secretion of serotonin, help sleep), and also Lower your adrenaline levels, ease your stress, and in short, calm things down.

If there is insufficient magnesium in the cells and calcium hangs on, people who are excited will become overly excited, leading to cramps, fast heart rate, sudden heart problems, high blood pressure, and emotional problems (anxiety, depression, lack of concentration, etc.) , insomnia, hormone imbalance, and even cell death; over time, it can also lead to calcification of soft tissues (such as hardening of blood vessel walls).

Although magnesium is important, many people don't get enough from their diet alone, making magnesium supplementation a popular option. Magnesium supplements come in many forms, each with its own benefits and absorption rates, so it's important to choose the form that best suits your needs. Magnesium threonate and magnesium taurate are a good choice.

Magnesium L-Threonate

Magnesium threonate is formed by combining magnesium with L-threonate. Magnesium threonate has significant advantages in improving cognitive function, relieving anxiety and depression, aiding sleep, and neuroprotection due to its unique chemical properties and more efficient blood-brain barrier penetration.

Penetrates the Blood-Brain Barrier: Magnesium threonate has been shown to be more effective at penetrating the blood-brain barrier, giving it a unique advantage in increasing brain magnesium levels. Studies have shown that magnesium threonate can significantly increase magnesium concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid, thereby improving cognitive function.

Improves cognitive function and memory: Due to its ability to increase magnesium levels in the brain, magnesium threonate can significantly improve cognitive function and memory, especially in the elderly and those with cognitive impairment. Research shows that magnesium threonate supplementation can significantly improve the brain's learning ability and short-term memory function.

Relieve Anxiety and Depression: Magnesium plays an important role in nerve conduction and neurotransmitter balance. Magnesium threonate can help relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression by effectively increasing magnesium levels in the brain.

Neuroprotection: People at risk for neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Magnesium threonate has neuroprotective effects and helps prevent and slow the progression of neurodegenerative diseases.

Magnesium Taurate

Magnesium Taurate is a magnesium supplement that combines the benefits of magnesium and taurine.

High bioavailability: Magnesium taurate has high bioavailability, which means the body can more easily absorb and utilize this form of magnesium.

Good gastrointestinal tolerance: Because magnesium taurate has a high absorption rate in the gastrointestinal tract, it is usually less likely to cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

Supports heart health: Magnesium and taurine both help regulate heart function. Magnesium helps maintain normal heart rhythm by regulating calcium ion concentrations in heart muscle cells. Taurine has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, protecting heart cells from oxidative stress and inflammatory damage. Multiple studies have shown that magnesium taurine has significant heart health benefits, lowering high blood pressure, reducing irregular heartbeats, and protecting against cardiomyopathy. Especially suitable for people at risk of cardiovascular disease.

Nervous System Health: Magnesium and taurine both play important roles in the nervous system. Magnesium is a coenzyme in the synthesis of various neurotransmitters and helps maintain the normal function of the nervous system. Taurine protects nerve cells and promotes neuronal health. Magnesium taurate can relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression and improve the overall function of the nervous system. For people with anxiety, depression, chronic stress and other neurological conditions

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects: Taurine has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, which can reduce oxidative stress and inflammatory responses in the body. Magnesium also helps regulate the immune system and reduces inflammation. Research shows that magnesium taurate can help prevent a variety of chronic diseases through its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Improves metabolic health: Magnesium plays a key role in energy metabolism, insulin secretion and utilization, and blood sugar regulation. Taurine also helps improve insulin sensitivity, help control blood sugar, and improve metabolic syndrome and other problems. This makes magnesium taurine more effective than other magnesium supplements in the management of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance.

The taurine in magnesium taurate, as a unique amino acid, also has multiple effects:
Taurine is a natural sulfur-containing amino acid and is a non-protein amino acid because it does not participate in protein synthesis like other amino acids. This component is widely distributed in various animal tissues, especially in the heart, brain, eyes, and skeletal muscles. It is also found in a variety of foods, such as meat, fish, dairy products, and energy drinks.

Taurine in the human body can be produced from cysteine ​​under the action of cysteine ​​sulfinic acid decarboxylase (Csad), or it can be obtained from the diet and absorbed by cells through taurine transporters. As age increases, the concentration of taurine and its metabolites in the human body will gradually decrease. Compared with young people, the concentration of taurine in the serum of the elderly will decrease by more than 80%.

1. Support cardiovascular health:
Regulates blood pressure: Taurine helps lower blood pressure and promotes vasodilation by regulating the balance of sodium, potassium and calcium ions. Taurine can significantly reduce blood pressure levels in patients with hypertension.
Protects the heart: It has antioxidant effects and protects cardiomyocytes from damage caused by oxidative stress. Taurine supplementation may improve heart function and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

2. Protect nervous system health:
Neuroprotection: Taurine has neuroprotective effects, preventing neurodegenerative diseases by stabilizing cell membranes and regulating calcium ion concentration, preventing neuronal overexcitation and death.
Sedative effect: It has sedative and anxiolytic effects, helping to improve mood and relieve stress.

3. Vision protection:
Retinal protection: Taurine is an important component of the retina, helping to maintain retinal function and prevent vision degradation.
Antioxidant effect: It can reduce the damage of free radicals to retinal cells and delay vision decline.

4. Metabolic health:
Regulates blood sugar: Taurine helps improve insulin sensitivity, regulate blood sugar levels, and prevent metabolic syndrome.
Lipid metabolism: It helps regulate lipid metabolism and lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood.

5.Sports performance:
Reduce muscle fatigue: Taurine can reduce oxidative stress and inflammation produced during exercise and reduce muscle fatigue.
Improve endurance: It can improve muscle contraction ability and endurance, improving sports performance.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only and should not be construed as any medical advice. Some of the blog post information comes from the Internet and is not professional. This website is only responsible for sorting, formatting and editing articles. The purpose of conveying more information does not mean that you agree with its views or confirm the authenticity of its content. Always consult a health care professional before using any supplements or making changes to your health care regimen.

Post time: Aug-29-2024