

Salidroside: Uncovering the secret of Rhodiola rosea’s antioxidant properties

Salidroside is the main active ingredient extracted from Rhodiola rosea and has a variety of biological and pharmacological properties. Salidroside has the effects of resisting oxidative stress, inhibiting cell apoptosis, and reducing inflammatory reactions.

Salidroside is a natural antioxidant that protects nerve cells by scavenging ROS and inhibiting cell apoptosis.

Intracellular calcium overload is one of the main causes of neuronal apoptosis. Rhodiola rosea extract and salidroside can reduce the increase in intracellular free calcium levels induced by oxidative stress and protect human cortical cells from glutamate. Salidroside can inhibit lipopolysaccharide-induced microglial activation, inhibit NO production, inhibit inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) activity, and reduce TNF-α and IL-1β , IL-6 levels.

Salidroside inhibits NADPH oxidase 2/ROS/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and response regulator of development and DNA damage 1 (REDD1)/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)/p70 ribosome The protein S6 kinase signaling pathway activates the AMP-dependent protein kinase/silent information regulator 1, RAS homologous gene family member A/MAPK and PI3K/Akt signaling pathways.

1. Salidroside antagonizes free radical damage and protects the body

The body can produce a certain amount of endogenous free radicals during normal physiological processes, and a certain physiological dose of free radicals is necessary to maintain the body's normal physiological activities. There is also a free radical scavenging system in the body to remove free radicals that exceed physiological doses so as not to harm the health of the body.

However, under the influence of some special environmental factors, the body's endogenous free radicals will be excessive and exceed the system's free radical scavenging rate, causing an imbalance in the body's oxygen free radical production-scavenging system, leading to the accumulation of oxygen free radicals in the body, thereby causing cell membrane damage. damage.

Research shows that the hypoxic environment under plateau conditions can cause an imbalance in oxygen-free radical metabolism, accumulating intracellular free radicals and increasing lipid peroxidation products. Studies have shown that salidroside can protect tissue cells by scavenging free radicals in the body.


2. Salidroside antagonizes hypoxia to maintain the stability of mitochondrial function

About 80-90% of intracellular oxygen is used for biological oxidation in mitochondria to generate ATP and form reactive oxygen species ROS to maintain the normal life activities of cells. Only 10-20% of the oxygen is free outside the mitochondria for biosynthesis, degradation, biotransformation (detoxification), etc. Mitochondrial respiratory function is enhanced in mild hypoxia or in the early stage of hypoxia, which is manifested as a compensatory response of the body's respiratory system.

Severe hypoxia will first affect the external oxygenation of mitochondria and functional metabolic disorders of the body, reduce the production of neurotransmitters, and weaken biotransformation capabilities, thereby affecting the functions of tissues and organs. Studies have shown that salidroside may protect the maintenance of mitochondrial function by reducing ROS content in cell mitochondria, increasing SOD activity, and increasing the number of mitochondria.

3. Myocardial protective effect of salidroside

Studies have shown that the cardiovascular system is the main system that changes a hypoxic environment. A hypoxic environment will cause the body's aerobic metabolism to weaken and insufficient energy supply, leading to symptoms such as hypoxia, ischemia, and apoptosis of myocardial cells. Studies have shown that salidroside can enhance cardiac function and improve microcirculation by dilating arterial and venous blood vessels, improving myocardial blood perfusion, changing the hemodynamics of the heart, reducing cardiac load, and attenuating myocardial ischemic damage.
In short, salidroside can act on the cardiovascular system through multiple mechanisms, pathways, and targets, protect myocardial cell apoptosis caused by multiple causes, and improve the body's ischemia and hypoxia conditions. In a hypoxic environment, Rhodiola rosea's intervention is of great significance in protecting the body's tissues and organs and maintaining the stability of cell functions. It plays an important role in preventing and alleviating altitude sickness.
Current status of salidroside production

1)Mainly rely on plant extraction

Rhodiola rosea is the raw material of salidroside. As a kind of perennial herbaceous plant, Rhodiola rosea mainly grows in areas with high cold, anoxia, dryness, and large temperature difference between day and night at an altitude of 1600-4000 meters. It is one of the wild plateau plants. China is one of the main producing areas of Rhodiola rosea in the world, but the living habits of Rhodiola rosea are quite special. Not only is it difficult to cultivate artificially, but the yield of wild varieties is extremely low. The annual demand gap for Rhodiola rosea is as high as 2,200 tons.

2) Chemical synthesis and biological fermentation

Due to the low content and high production cost in plants, in addition to natural extraction methods, salidroside production methods also include chemical synthesis methods, biological fermentation methods, etc. Among them, as the technology continues to mature, biological fermentation has become the mainstream technical path for the research development and production of salidroside. At present, Suzhou Mailun has achieved research and development results and has achieved industrialization.

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Post time: Aug-15-2024