

The Best Ketone Esters: What You Need to Know

The body has a variety of fuel sources that it can use, each with different advantages and disadvantages.

For example, sugar is often our primary source of energy—not because it's the most efficient—but because it can be quickly utilized by every cell in the body. Unfortunately, when we burn sugar, we sacrifice efficiency for speed, which can lead to the formation of potentially harmful molecules called free radicals.

Conversely, when carbohydrate intake is limited, we begin to use more efficient fuel sources that provide us with more energy (at a slower rate) without producing as much metabolic waste. Arguably, the most efficient source of energy our bodies can use is ketones. While BHB is not technically a ketone body, it affects the body in the same way as ketone bodies, so we will classify it as one from now on.

Of the two ketone bodies we use for fuel (acetoacetate and BHB), BHB provides us with the most energy while also benefiting our bodies in many different ways.

 What is ketosis?  Why is it good for the body?


Ketosis is a state in which your body accumulates something called ketones. There are three types of ketone bodies:

●cetate: a volatile ketone body;
●Acetoacetate: This ketone body accounts for approximately 20% of the ketone bodies in the blood. BHB is made from acetoacetate, which the body cannot produce in any other way. It is important to note that acetoacetate is less stable than BHB, so it can spontaneously convert to acetone before the reaction of acetoacetate with BHB occurs.
●Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB): This is the most abundant ketone body in the body, typically accounting for ~78% of the ketones found in the blood

Both BHB and acetone are derived from acetoacetate, however, BHB is the primary ketone used for energy because it is very stable and abundant, while acetone is lost through respiration and sweat.

These ketone bodies are produced primarily by the liver from fat, and they accumulate in the body in several states. The most common and longest-studied state is fasting. If you fast for 24 hours, your body will begin to rely on fat from adipose tissue. These fats will be converted into ketone bodies by the liver.

During fasting, BHB, like glucose or fat, becomes your body's primary form of energy. Two major organs like to rely on this form of BHB energy - the brain and the heart.

BHB induces a state that protects people from oxidative stress. This directly links BHB to aging. Interestingly enough, when you are in ketosis, not only are you creating a new form of energy, but this new form of energy also acts as an antioxidant.

Ketone Ester (R-BHB)

Fasting is one of the ways to enter a state of ketosis. It also comes in many different forms: intermittent fasting, time-restricted eating, and calorie-restricted eating. All of these methods will induce the body into a state of ketosis, but there are other ways to get you into ketosis without fasting. One way to do this is to limit carbohydrate intake.

The ketogenic diet has received a lot of interest in the media and sparked a lot of discussion because it is often used to lose weight. It also reduces insulin secretion, one of the major pathways that regulates aging. This is easy to understand, if you can slow down the action of insulin, you can slow down inflammation, thereby extending life and health span.

The problem with the ketogenic diet is that it’s hard to stick to it. Only 15-20 grams of carbohydrates are allowed per day. An apple, that's about it. No pasta, bread, pizza, or anything else we love.

But it is possible to enter a state of ketosis by taking ketone ester supplements, which are absorbed by the body and bring it to a state of ketosis.

Can I exercise during the 16-hour fasting window of 16:8 intermittent fasting?

But if you're doing weightlifting, sprinting, any kind of anaerobic exercise, or exercise that relies on glycolysis, the muscles required for this type of exercise rely on glucose and glycogen. When you fast for long periods of time, your glycogen stores become depleted. Therefore, these types of muscle fibers crave what they need, which is sugar. I would recommend doing it after eating and drinking enough.

Can fruits and berries be eaten?

If you study fruits, you will find that they have varying degrees of healthiness, at least based on the science of aging. The worst way to eat fruits is to drink their juice. Many people drink a glass of orange juice every morning thinking they are doing a healthy thing. But it's actually juice that's full of sugar and is absorbed quickly by the body, so it's not healthy.

Fruit, on the other hand, contains many health-related phytonutrients—ketones, polyphenols, anthocyanins—that are beneficial to the body. But the question is, what's the best way to consume them? Now it's the berries' turn to shine. Some berries are highly pigmented, meaning they contain high amounts of phytonutrients, and many are also relatively low in sugar. Berries are the only fruit I'm eating that are delicious too, and they allow you to minimize your carb intake while still getting lots of phytonutrients.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only and should not be construed as any medical advice. Some of the blog post information comes from the Internet and is not professional. This website is only responsible for sorting, formatting and editing articles. The purpose of conveying more information does not mean that you agree with its views or confirm the authenticity of its content. Always consult a health care professional before using any supplements or making changes to your health care regimen.

Post time: Aug-08-2024