

Top Tips for Finding Quality Spermidine Powder Online

Spermidine, a potent activator of the cell renewal process, is widely considered the "fountain of youth." This micronutrient is chemically a polyamine and is produced primarily by gut bacteria in our bodies. In addition, spermidine can also be absorbed by the body through food intake. Research shows that spermidine, whether supplied externally or produced by the body’s own microbiome, works in a complementary manner.

Concentrations of endogenous spermidine may decrease with age, and there may be a link between this and age-related deterioration in physical function. Spermidine is found in many foods, with grapefruit being one of the richest spermidine-rich foods. Some studies have found that spermidine not only slows down the aging process but may also promote health and longevity. These findings make spermidine one of the hot topics of current research.

Can Spermidine Powder Help with Aging?


In living organisms, tissue concentrations of spermidine decline in an age-dependent manner; however, healthy 90- and centenarians have spermidine levels close to those of young (middle-aged) individuals. An epidemiological study reported a positive relationship between spermidine intake and human healthspan. 829 participants aged 45-84 years were followed for 15 years. Spermidine intake was estimated every 5 years based on a food frequency questionnaire. Studies have found that individuals with higher spermidine intake have reduced rates of cancer and cardiovascular disease and are associated with improved overall survival.

◆Anti-aging mechanism

In 2023, "Cell" published an article that there are 12 hallmarks of aging, including genome instability, telomere attrition, epigenetic changes, loss of protein homeostasis, macroautophagy inability, nutrient sensing disorders, mitochondrial dysfunction, and cellular senescence. Stem cell exhaustion, altered intercellular communication, chronic inflammation, and dysbiosis.

●Induction of autophagy

At present, induction of autophagy is considered to be the main mechanism by which spermidine delays aging. Studies have found that spermidine induces the dephosphorylation of protein kinase B, triggering the transport of forkhead box transcription factor O (FoxO) transcription factor to the nucleus, resulting in increased transcription of the FoxO target gene autophagy microtubule-associated protein light chain 3 (LC3). Promote autophagy.

In addition, spermidine has been found to help delay the aging of female germ cells caused by oxidative stress and preserve female fertility. A year-long clinical study found that sperm levels were enhanced in healthy male volunteers when they were fed spermidine; in a 2022 study, a study looked at 377 acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients. found that people with higher spermidine levels in their blood had better odds of survival than heart disease patients with lower spermidine levels; a 2021 journal found that higher dietary spermidine intake There is a link between dosage and reduced risk of cognitive impairment in humans, greatly benefiting the brain in improving cognition and preventing common age-related brain diseases.

●Delay telomere aging

Aging causes numerous molecular, cellular, and physiological degenerations, including heart failure, neurodegeneration, metabolic maladaptation, telomere attrition, and hair loss. Interestingly, at the molecular level, the ability to induce autophagy (the main mechanism of action of spermidine) decreases with age, a phenomenon that is present in many biological models and is thought to be closely related to aging. .

●Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects

Oxidative stress is an important factor leading to cell aging and damage. Spermidine has antioxidant properties. The researchers fed mice exogenous spermidine for three months and observed changes in the ovaries. After spermidine treatment, group, the number of atrophic follicles (degenerated follicles) was significantly reduced, antioxidant enzyme activity increased, and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels decreased, which can reduce reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, indicating reduced oxidative stress in the spermidine-treated group .

Chronic inflammation seems inevitable as we age. Increases in spermidine help stimulate the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines while reducing the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Recent research shows that spermidine also enhances the anti-inflammatory properties of macrophages.

●Inhibit stem cell aging

Spermidine promotes mitochondrial function and keratin production in epithelial stem cells, further ensuring muscle and hair follicle regeneration.

Finding Quality Spermidine Powder4

The Benefits and development applications of spermidine

Spermidine is a polyamine compound naturally found in living organisms. Since it is a polyamine compound, it has multiple amino (-NH2) groups. These groups also give it a unique and indispensable The taste of the name.

It is precisely because of these amino groups that it can interact with a variety of biomolecules and perform its physiological functions within cells. For example, it plays an important role in cell growth, differentiation, gene regulation, and anti-aging.

Anti aging

Spermidine level is a sign that reflects the degree of aging of the body. As the body ages, the spermidine content in the body also decreases. Studies have shown that spermidine can delay the aging of cells such as yeast cells and mammalian cells, and extend the lifespan of invertebrate model organisms such as Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans and mice.

At present, induction of autophagy has been proven to be one of the main mechanisms by which spermidine delays aging and extends lifespan. Studies have shown that after knocking out genes essential for autophagy in aging yeast, Drosophila and cultured mammalian cells, these model animals did not experience an extended lifespan after treatment with spermidine. In addition, spermidine also works through mechanisms such as reducing histone acetylation.


Spermidine has significant antioxidant functions, and it can exert substantial anti-aging effects through its antioxidant properties. Studies have shown that spermidine can significantly reduce the levels of the oxidant malondialdehyde and increase the levels of the antioxidant reduced glutathione in the brains of rats.

Spermidine supplementation also enhanced the activity of electron transport chain complexes in mitochondria of aging brains, demonstrating its antioxidant potential at the mitochondrial level. Spermidine reduces the damage to nerves caused by aging-induced oxidative stress by regulating autophagy, antioxidant levels and reducing neuroinflammation.

Studies have found that spermidine protects H2O2-induced cell damage by blocking the increase in Ca2+ in human retinal pigment epithelial cells.

Finding Quality Spermidine Powder1


Spermidine has a good anti-inflammatory effect, and its mechanism is related to inhibiting the production of pro-inflammatory factors, promoting the production of anti-inflammatory factors, and affecting the polarization of macrophages.

Studies have found that spermidine can reduce the levels of pro-inflammatory factors such as interleukin 6 and tumor necrosis factor in the serum of mice with collagen-induced arthritis, increase the level of IL-10, inhibit the polarization of M1 macrophages in synovial tissue, and reduce the risk of arthritis. Mouse synovial cells proliferated and inflammatory cells infiltrated, showing good anti-inflammatory effects.

Improve cognition

As the population ages, age-related cognitive impairment is becoming an increasingly pressing issue. Spermidine, as an autophagy inducer, has been shown to have an ameliorative effect on cognitive decline.

Research shows that in aging fruit flies, spermidine levels decrease, which is accompanied by a decline in memory ability. Spermidine supplementation fed to flies alleviates memory impairment in aging flies by inhibiting structural and functional changes in presynaptic performance caused by elevated levels of synaptic proteins and binding proteins.

Spermidine in the diet can pass through the blood-brain barrier of mice, increase mitochondrial respiration in mouse neuron tissue, and improve the cognitive function of mice. On the basis of animal experiments, some human studies have also proven that spermidine is closely related to cognition.

Protect cardiovascular

Spermidine can protect cardiovascular health and has many effects such as preventing heart aging, alleviating high blood pressure and delaying heart failure. Studies have shown that spermidine supplementation can enhance cardiac autophagy and mitophagy in mice, exert a cardioprotective effect and delay cardiac aging.

In aged mice, dietary spermidine supplementation improves the mechanical elasticity and metabolic properties of cardiomyocytes, thereby extending lifespan and preventing age-induced cardiac hypertrophy and stiffness. Epidemiological studies in humans suggest that spermidine has similar protective effects on human cardiovascular health. Spermidine intake in the human diet is inversely associated with cardiovascular disease. These properties of spermidine open new avenues for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Current status of development and application of spermidine

Spermidine is a naturally occurring polyamine. The physiological content of spermidine is natural, effective, safe and non-toxic. With the in-depth study of spermidine's more physiological effects, it has shown important application value in many fields such as medicine, health food, agriculture, cosmetics and so on.


Spermidine has various physiological effects such as anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and improving cognition. It can be used for the prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis, nerve cell damage, cardiovascular disease and other diseases. Spermidine is used in clinical applications. Disease treatment has good development prospects.

Health food

Using "spermidine" and "functional food raw materials" as keywords to conduct data searches in multiple databases, the results show that "spermidine" or "spermine" is defined as functional food raw materials, and spermidine has been sold on the market with spermidine. A health food with amine as the main raw material.

Spermidine-related health products have diverse functions and are widely used in various forms, including tablets, powders and other dosage forms. It has the functions of anti-aging, improving sleep, and improving immunity; the natural spermidine food powder extracted from wheat germ ensures the high purity and high activity of spermidine.


As a plant growth regulator, exogenous application of spermidine can effectively alleviate the damage to plants caused by stresses such as high temperature oxidation, low temperature and cold, hypoxia, high salt, drought, flooding and infiltration, and plays a crucial role in plant growth. Its important role in agriculture has gradually attracted attention. Exogenous spermidine can alleviate the inhibitory effect of drought stress on the growth of sweet sorghum and enhance the drought tolerance of sweet sorghum seedlings. Based on spermidine's important role in plant growth, it has multiple invention patents in the agricultural field. Researching and developing spermidine agricultural products and promoting the application of spermidine in the agricultural field are of great significance to agricultural development.


Spermidine has antioxidant, anti-aging, and promotion of autophagy effects, and is a good cosmetic raw material. Currently, there are skin care products such as spermidine anti-aging cream and spermidine essence milk on the market. In addition, spermidine has multiple research patents in the field of cosmetics around the world, involving whitening, anti-skin aging, and improvement of facial wrinkles. In-depth research on the mechanism of action of spermidine, enriching its application forms, and evaluating safety and side effects are expected to provide consumers with safer and more effective skin care options.

What are the best sources of spermidine?


In humans, circulating levels of spermidine are typically in the low micromolar range, most likely due to dietary effects on overall spermidine concentration. Although they show strong interindividual differences. However, as we age, the amount of spermidine in our body's cells decreases. Exogenous spermidine supplementation reverses adverse age-related changes and delays aging.

●Prescine/spermine metabolism

In mammalian cells, spermidine is produced from its precursor putrescine (itself produced from ornithine) or by the oxidative degradation of spermine.

●Gut microbiota

The intestinal microbiota is an important source of spermidine synthesis. In mice, the concentration of spermidine in the intestinal lumen has been shown to be directly dependent on the colonic microbiota.

●Food sources

Spermidine ingested from food can be rapidly absorbed from the intestines and distributed in the body, so consuming foods high in spermidine can help increase spermidine levels in the body.

●Spermidine supplements

Spermidine-related health products have diverse functions and are widely used in various forms, including tablets, powders and other dosage forms. It has the functions of anti-aging, improving sleep, and improving immunity; the natural spermidine food powder extracted from wheat germ ensures the high purity and high activity of spermidine.

Finding Quality Spermidine Powder5

What to Look for When Buying Spermidine Powder

Purity and Quality

When purchasing spermidine powder, it is important to prioritize purity and quality. Look for products made from high-quality ingredients and rigorously tested for purity and efficacy. Ideally, choose products made in factories that follow Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to ensure quality and safety.


Bioavailability refers to the body's ability to absorb and utilize a substance. When choosing a spermidine powder, consider the bioavailability of the product. Look for a formula designed for optimal absorption, as this will ensure your body can effectively utilize spermidine to deliver its potential health benefits.

Transparency and third-party testing

The sourcing and production process of a reputable spermidine powder should be transparent. Look for brands that provide detailed information about the sourcing of their ingredients and the manufacturing of their products. Additionally, third-party testing by independent laboratories guarantees product quality and purity. Look for products that have been tested by third-party organizations to verify their efficacy and safety.

Dosage and Serving Size

When purchasing spermidine powder, consider the dosage and serving size that best suits your needs. Some products may provide a higher concentration of spermidine per serving, while other products may provide a lower dose. It is important to determine the appropriate dosage based on your personal health goals and consult a health care professional when needed.

Recipe and additional ingredients

Spermidine powder is available in a variety of dosage forms, including capsule, powder or liquid form. Consider which format best suits your lifestyle and preferences. Additionally, some products may contain additional ingredients to enhance the effects of spermidine or improve its taste. Pay attention to any added ingredients and make sure they meet your dietary preferences and restrictions.

Customer reviews and reputation

Before buying, take the time to research the brand's reputation and read customer reviews. Look for feedback from individuals who have used the product to gain insight into its effectiveness and any potential side effects. Brands with a good reputation and positive customer reviews are more likely to offer reliable and high-quality spermidine powder.

Price vs value

While price shouldn't be the only deciding factor, it's important to consider the value of a product in relation to its price. Compare the cost of different spermidine powders and consider the quality, purity, and additional benefits of each product. Investing in high-quality spermidine powder may provide greater potential health benefits.

Finding Quality Spermidine Powder3

Where to Buy Spermidine Powder for the Best Price

Suzhou Myland Pharm’s Spermidine Powder—A high-quality dietary supplement

At Suzhou Myland Pharm, we are committed to providing the highest quality products at the best prices. Our spermidine powder is rigorously tested for purity and potency, ensuring you get a high-quality supplement you can trust. Whether you want to support cellular health, boost your immune system or enhance overall health, our spermidine powder is the perfect choice.

With 30 years of experience and driven by high technology and highly optimized R&D strategies,Suzhou Myland Pharm has developed a range of competitive products and become an innovative life science supplement, custom synthesis and manufacturing services company.

In addition, Suzhou Myland Pharm is also an FDA-registered manufacturer. The company's R&D resources, production facilities, and analytical instruments are modern and multi-functional, and can produce chemicals from milligrams to tons in scale, and comply with ISO 9001 standards and production specifications GMP. 

Q:What is spermidine powder and how does it relate to aging?
A:Spermidine is a natural polyamine compound found in various foods and the human body. Research suggests that spermidine may have anti-aging effects by promoting cellular health and longevity.

Q: How does spermidine powder work to combat aging?
A:Spermidine is believed to activate a cellular process called autophagy, which helps to remove damaged cells and promote the regeneration of healthy cells. This process is thought to play a key role in slowing down the aging process.

Q:What are the potential benefits of taking spermidine powder for aging?
A:Some studies have indicated that spermidine supplementation may help improve cardiovascular health, brain function, and overall longevity. It may also have potential benefits for skin health and immune function.

Q:How can I ensure the quality of spermidine powder when purchasing it online?
A:Look for a reputable and established supplier with a track record of providing high-quality dietary supplements. Check for customer reviews and ratings to gauge the supplier’s reliability.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only and should not be construed as any medical advice. Some of the blog post information comes from the Internet and is not professional. This website is only responsible for sorting, formatting and editing articles. The purpose of conveying more information does not mean that you agree with its views or confirm the authenticity of its content. Always consult a health care professional before using any supplements or making changes to your health care regimen.

Post time: Aug-28-2024