

Trigonelline HCl Demystified: Everything You Need to Know in 2024

Trigonelline is a naturally occurring alkaloid found in plants such as fenugreek and coffee. Trigonelline HCl, the hydrochloride form of trigonelline, is a fascinating compound that plays a role in supporting blood sugar regulation, lipid potential role in metabolism and cognitive function. As research continues on this compound, it is important to stay up to date on the latest developments. Whether you're interested in naturopathic medicine, pharmaceutical innovation, or just want to expand your knowledge, trigonelline HCL is definitely a topic to watch in 2024.

What is Trigonelline


The scientific name of trigonelline is trimethylxanthine. It is a nitrogen-containing alkaline compound and belongs to the pyridine alkaloids. Trigonelline is mainly derived from the leguminous plant fenugreek. Fenugreek is the leguminous plant. It is an annual herbaceous plant native to West Africa and is now widely distributed in Africa, Europe, Asia and other regions. In addition, it is also found in coffee beans, alfalfa, mulberry leaves, radish, soybeans and other plants, as well as molluscs, marine fish and in mammals. Coffee beans are the main source of trigonelline after fenugreek. Currently, there are many methods to measure trigonelline in coffee beans, including high-performance liquid chromatography, spectrophotometry, etc.

Trigonelline is a precursor substance that produces flavor during coffee roasting. It is one of the sources of bitterness in coffee. It is also a precursor component of many aromatic compounds. Nowadays, it is a potential new raw material for developing anti-aging functional foods.

Trigonelline has a variety of physiological functions, including antioxidant, lowering blood sugar, scavenging free radicals, improving mitochondrial function, increasing muscle strength, reducing cell damage, improving cognitive function, etc. Based on this, trigonelline is widely used in medicine, cosmetics, and nutrition. Supplements, health products and other fields have shown good application prospects. At present, trigonelline has been commercialized, but there are few commercial products and the market has a broad space for development. With the in-depth research in the future, more products with trigonelline as the main component will be developed in the future.

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The Role of Trigonelline HCl in Mitochondria

Often referred to as the powerhouse of the cell, mitochondria play a vital role in generating energy for cellular functions. Trigonelline hydrochloride is a natural alkaloid found in plants such as fenugreek and has received attention for its potential effects on mitochondrial function.

Mitochondria are responsible for producing adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the main source of energy for cellular processes. Mitochondrial dysfunction may lead to a range of health problems, including metabolic disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, and aging-related diseases. Therefore, understanding the factors that influence mitochondrial function is of great importance in the fields of cell biology and medicine.

Mitochondrial dysfunction and reduced NAD+ levels play important roles in the process of muscle loss. Mitochondria are the energy production centers within cells, responsible for producing the energy molecule ATP required by cells. When mitochondrial function is damaged or disordered, it will lead to insufficient energy supply to cells, affecting the normal function and metabolic process of muscle cells, thus accelerating the occurrence of muscle loss.

In addition, NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is an important coenzyme in cells, involved in regulating energy metabolism and redox reactions in cells. As we age, the level of NAD+ in cells will decrease. The decrease in NAD+ levels may affect the intracellular redox balance, exacerbating cellular oxidative stress and inflammatory responses, thereby affecting the function and survival of muscle cells.

The effect of trigonelline on improving mitochondrial function is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

1. Improve mitochondrial activity

Research suggests that Trigonelline HCl may regulate mitochondrial activity by affecting the electron transport chain, a series of protein complexes that produce ATP. By increasing the efficiency of the electron transport chain, trigonelline HCl may promote ATP production, thereby supporting cellular energy metabolism.

In addition, trigonelline can increase NAD+ levels, and NAD+ is a key coenzyme for oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria. By increasing NAD+ levels, trigonelline can activate the mitochondrial respiratory chain and promote ATP synthesis, thereby increasing mitochondrial activity. This helps cells maintain adequate energy supply in response to external stress and maintain normal cell function.

2. Protect mitochondria from damage

Trigonelline has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, can remove free radicals and inflammatory factors in cells, and reduce oxidative stress and inflammatory damage to mitochondria. At the same time, trigonelline can also stabilize the mitochondrial membrane structure, prevent the reduction of mitochondrial membrane potential and the opening of mitochondrial permeability transition pores, thereby protecting mitochondria from damage.

3. Promote mitochondrial biogenesis

Trigonelline can stimulate the replication and transcription of mitochondrial DNA and promote the synthesis of mitochondrial proteins, thereby increasing the quantity and quality of mitochondria. This helps cells quickly increase the number of mitochondria and improve energy production efficiency when responding to increased energy demands.

4. Promote insulin sensitivity

Research shows that trigonelline hydrochloride may affect glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity, which are closely related to mitochondrial function. Trigonelline HCl may indirectly support mitochondrial health and overall cellular energy balance by promoting efficient glucose utilization and insulin signaling.

Trigonelline HCl4

Trigonelline HCl VS Trigonelline


Trigonelline, also known as N-methylnicotinic acid, is a naturally occurring alkaloid found in a variety of plants, including fenugreek, coffee beans, and other plant sources.

Trigonelline HCl, on the other hand, is the hydrochloride salt form of trigonelline. This means that trigonelline hydrochloride is a derivative of trigonelline that has been combined with hydrochloric acid to form a salt. This modification changes the chemical structure of trigonelline, resulting in differences in its properties and potential uses.

One of the main differences between trigonelline and trigonelline hydrochloride is their solubility. Trigonelline is slightly soluble in water, while trigonelline hydrochloride is more soluble in water. The increased solubility of trigonelline hydrochloride makes it more suitable for certain applications, such as the formulation of dietary supplements or pharmaceuticals that require water solubility.

In terms of potential health benefits, trigonelline and trigonelline HCl have been studied for their effects on various aspects of health. Trigonelline has been studied for its potential role in supporting blood glucose regulation, lipid metabolism, and cognitive function. Some research also suggests that trigonelline may have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which may contribute to its potential health-promoting effects.

Likewise, the increased solubility of trigonelline hydrochloride may make it more bioavailable and more readily absorbed by the body, potentially enhancing its effectiveness in certain applications. This is particularly important in the development of dietary supplements or pharmaceutical formulations, where trigonelline bioavailability is a key consideration.

In the dietary supplement world, trigonelline and trigonelline HCl can be included as ingredients in formulations targeting metabolic support, cognitive function, or other health-related goals. The decision to use trigonelline or trigonelline HCl in a supplement formulation may depend on factors such as the desired dosage form, solubility requirements, and the specific health benefits targeted.

What is trigonelline HCl used for?

Trigonelline HCl is the hydrochloride salt form of trigonelline. This means that trigonelline hydrochloride is a derivative of trigonelline that has been combined with hydrochloric acid to form a salt.

In terms of its health benefits, the increased solubility of trigonelline hydrochloride may make it more bioavailable and more easily absorbed by the body, potentially enhancing its effectiveness in certain applications.

1. Anti-aging

The topic of aging always revolves around a key molecule—NAD+, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. This important intracellular coenzyme plays a central role in regulating energy metabolism and redox reactions. It has the reputation of "youth factor" and "rich man's time bank".

NAD+ is a key cofactor for cellular energy metabolism. As we age, NAD+ levels in cells decrease.

Some previous research has suggested that trying to increase NAD+ levels could be used as a strategy to slow down aging. There are many substances in the diet that help increase NAD+, such as NR (nicotinamide ribose), Trp (tryptophan) and Nam (nicotinamide), as well as vitamin B3 (also called niacin), which act as NAD+ Precursor molecules can generate NAD+ after being taken into the body.

The latest research reveals that trigonelline is also a NAD+ precursor molecule. Trigonelline can increase NAD+ levels by about 50% compared to NMN, which can increase NAD+ levels by about two times. However, trigonelline can still maintain a high concentration in the serum 72 hours after supplementation, while NMN disappears rapidly after being converted into NAM.

Supplementing Trigonelline HCl  can increase NAD+ levels, increase mitochondrial activity, and help improve the aging process.

2. Increase NAD+ levels and improve muscle atrophy

Sarcopenia, also known as sarcopenia, is a disease of reduced muscle tissue volume and mass, generally associated with the aging process and characterized by a decrease in skeletal muscle mass and its strength. Its clinical manifestations mainly include weight loss, muscle strength loss, reduced grip strength, unchanged movement, etc. In severe cases, problems such as difficulty in standing, easy falling, fractures, and motor dysfunction may occur.

Decreases in skeletal muscle mass and bone density increase the risk of fractures after falls, while muscle atrophy may cause abnormal motor function and affect the patient's normal life and work. As age increases, after the age of 30, muscle mass decreases at a rate of 3% to 8% per year; after the age of 65, the rate of muscle attenuation further accelerates to 6% to 15%. Some people may even suffer from sarcopenia, which causes a decrease in muscle strength and function, thereby affecting mobility. In severe cases, it may lead to loss of physical independence and disability.

There are two landmark events in the occurrence of sarcopenia: one is mitochondrial dysfunction in cells, which can be simply understood as insufficient production of the factory responsible for producing energy in muscle cells; the other is nicotinamide adenine dinucleus in cells Decreased levels of the coenzyme molecule NAD+, which plays a key role in energy metabolism and directly and indirectly affects many cellular functions.

Trigonelline levels are lower in patients with sarcopenia, and as muscle loss occurs, serum trigonelline levels further decrease. Trigonelline is positively correlated with muscle strength and mitochondrial energy production in skeletal muscle, and serum levels of trigonelline are also correlated with NAD+ levels in skeletal muscle.

Research shows that trigonelline can be supplemented through three pathways: dietary intake, microbial synthesis, and metabolic pathway regulation.

1) Dietary intake

Eating foods rich in trigonelline is a direct way to increase trigonelline levels in the body. For example, coffee beans and fenugreek seeds are plants known to be rich in trigonelline in nature. However, relying solely on increasing coffee intake to improve aging-related health problems may not be as simple as imagined.

Additionally, the precursor of trigonelline is niacin, so trigonelline levels in the body can be indirectly increased by consuming niacin-rich foods or supplementing with niacin.

2) Microbial synthesis

The researchers found that dietary fiber intake was related to trigonelline levels in the body, possibly because trigonelline can also be produced by intestinal flora metabolism. Therefore, by increasing the intake of dietary fiber, probiotics and other substances, we can optimize the intestinal microbial environment and promote the growth of microorganisms that synthesize trigonelline, thereby increasing the level of trigonelline in the body. But it’s worth noting that there are complex relationships between diet, gut microbiota and muscle health that require further research to elucidate.

3) Metabolic pathway regulation

NAPRT enzyme is the key enzyme that converts trigonelline into NAD+ precursor. Therefore, by increasing the expression of NAPRT enzyme, the efficiency of converting trigonelline into NAD+ precursor can be improved, thereby increasing the level of trigonelline in the body. In addition, studies have shown that trigonelline is related to S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase. Therefore, by increasing the activity of this type of methyltransferase, the synthesis of trigonelline in the body can be promoted.

Serum kynurenine/vitamin B metabolome levels were also studied in patients with sarcopenia and healthy controls. No changes were observed in most metabolites during sarcopenia. Includes vitamin B3 forms that may serve as potential NAD+ precursors. However, sarcopenia patients have lower circulating concentrations of trigonelline. The study also found that trigonelline increases cellular NAD+ levels.

Trigonelline HCl1

3. Lower blood sugar and blood lipids

Studies have shown that in type 2 diabetic rats, trigonelline can reduce blood sugar and insulin levels and increase insulin sensitivity index. In addition, trigonelline increased pancreas weight, pancreas-to-body weight ratio, and insulin content, indicating that trigonelline may reduce blood glucose levels by promoting pancreatic beta cell regeneration and improving insulin resistance.

In GK type 2 diabetic rats, trigonelline reduced serum and hepatic triglyceride levels, decreased hepatic fatty acid synthase activity, and increased hepatic carnitine palmitoyltransferase and glucokinase activities

Additionally, trigonelline HCL may help regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity. These effects may be beneficial to people with diabetes or those at risk for developing diabetes. Additionally, trigonelline HCL may support healthy cholesterol levels, which is important for cardiovascular health

4. Antioxidant properties

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are the main marker of oxidative stress, which can lead to cell damage and the occurrence of various diseases. Studies have found that trigonelline can not only significantly reduce intracellular ROS levels, but also reduce pancreatic malondialdehyde and nitric oxide levels. , increase superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione and inducible nitric oxide synthase activities.

This means it can help protect cells from damage caused by oxidative stress and free radicals. Antioxidants play a vital role in maintaining overall health and may help reduce the risk of chronic disease. By scavenging free radicals, trigonelline HCL may contribute to overall health and longevity.

5. Improve cognitive function

Studies show that trigonelline improves the transcriptomics of learning and memory decline in the aging-accelerated mouse pron 8 (SAMP8) model by suppressing pro-inflammatory cytokines and increasing neurotransmitter release. In addition, trigonelline can induce functional synaptic growth in human neuroblastoma SK-N-SH cells, which is related to its mechanism of action in improving memory.

How to Choose the Best Trigonelline HCl for Your Needs

Purity and quality

Purity and quality should be your top considerations when choosing a trigonelline HCl supplement. Look for products made in facilities that adhere to strict quality control standards and have third-party certification of purity and potency. Additionally, consider choosing supplements that are free of artificial additives, fillers, and allergens to ensure you are getting a high-quality product.

Dosage and concentration

The dosage and concentration of trigonelline HCl may vary between supplements. Your specific needs and health goals must be considered when choosing the appropriate dosage of a product. For example, if you wish to support cognitive function, you might choose a higher concentration of trigonelline HCL, while a lower dose may be suitable for general health support. Always consult a healthcare professional to determine the correct dosage for your individual needs.

Trigonelline HCl

Transparency and testing

Choose trigonelline HCL supplements from a reputable company that prioritizes transparency and rigorous testing. Look for brands that provide detailed information about the sourcing, production, and testing of their products. Third-party testing for purity, potency, and contaminants ensures supplement quality and safety. Additionally, consider products that have been clinically studied or have a track record of positive customer reviews and recommendations.

Synergistic ingredients

Some trigonelline HCl supplements may contain other ingredients that complement its effects and provide additional benefits. For example, you may find products that combine trigonelline HCl with other natural compounds known for their cognitive support or metabolism-enhancing properties. Consider whether you prefer a stand-alone trigonelline HCl supplement or a formula containing synergistic ingredients to address multiple aspects of your health and well-being.

Personal health considerations

When choosing a trigonelline HCl supplement, it is important to consider any personal health factors or existing medical conditions. If you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications, consult a healthcare professional before adding new supplements to your daily routine. They can provide personalized guidance and help you determine if trigonelline HCl is right for your individual needs.

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Q:What is trigonelline HCl used for?
A: Trigonelline HCl is commonly used as a dietary supplement to support overall health and wellness. It is known for its potential to promote healthy blood sugar levels and support metabolic function.
Q: How is trigonelline HCl used in dietary supplements?
A: Trigonelline HCl is commonly included in dietary supplements in the form of capsules, tablets, or powders. It is often combined with other ingredients to create formulations that support metabolic health, energy levels, and overall wellness.

Q: Is trigonelline HCl safe for consumption?
A: Trigonelline HCl is generally considered safe,

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only and should not be construed as any medical advice. Some of the blog post information comes from the Internet and is not professional. This website is only responsible for sorting, formatting and editing articles. The purpose of conveying more information does not mean that you agree with its views or confirm the authenticity of its content. Always consult a health care professional before using any supplements or making changes to your health care regimen.

Post time: Aug-12-2024