

What is the currently discovered telomerase activator-cycloastraganol?

Taurine is an essential micronutrient and abundant aminosulfonic acid. It is widely distributed in various tissues and organs in the body. It mainly exists in a free state in interstitial fluid and intracellular fluid. Because it first existed in Named after it is found in ox bile. Taurine is added to common functional drinks to replenish energy and improve fatigue.

Research and development of Cycloastragenol

In 1985, Greider et al. first discovered telomerase, and this newly discovered enzyme can add DNA repeats to the ends of chromosomes to maintain telomere length. Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein complex whose catalytic core includes TERT and TERC, of ​​which TERT is the key to regulating telomerase activity. Telomere length continues to shorten as cells divide. When it reaches a critical value, it induces DNA damage signals, leading to a shortened cell cycle and a series of tissue failure diseases characterized by short telomeres.

In 2010, the American company Geron collaborated with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology on a research project to screen telomerase activators. It was found that cycloastraganol can activate telomerase activity and induce telomere extension. This discovery actively promoted the development of telomerase activators. Research progress and related product development of astragalus alcohol. Cycloastragenol (CAG) is currently the only reported telomerase activator among natural products. It can effectively combat telomere shortening and has anti-aging, anti-apoptosis, anti-fibrosis, immune regulation, promotion of cell proliferation and wound healing, etc. Pharmacological effects, thereby having potential therapeutic effects on diseases related to telomere dysfunction.

Cycloastragenol and aging

Telomeres are special structures at the ends of chromosomes that protect chromosomes and shorten with chromosome replication and cell division. Cells also age as telomeres shorten.


Telomerase can synthesize telomeres to stabilize the length and structure of telomeres, thereby protecting chromosomes and delaying cellular aging.

Anti-aging: A telomerase activator, which plays an anti-aging effect by increasing telomerase and thereby delaying the shortening of telomeres.

Telomeres are caps located at the ends of cell chromosomes that protect them from damage during cell division. As cells continue to divide, telomeres continue to shorten, reaching a critical point where cells will age or die. Telomerase can extend the length of telomeres, and the lifespan of cells will naturally increase accordingly.

Aging is an inevitable part of life; however, researchers are studying a variety of treatments to try to avoid some of the effects of aging, including studying senolytics. Senolytics are compounds that eliminate senescent (aging) cells and have been shown to reduce the effects of aging. A new study suggests that cycloastraganol has anti-aging effects.

The study, from China and published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, focused on senescent human cells and mice with radiation-induced senescence. Cycloastragenol reduces senescent cells without affecting non-senescent cells. Cycloastragenol treatment also reduces proteins in senescent cells that are needed for cell growth and survival. Additionally, it inhibits cell movements associated with age-related inflammatory cells and processes. Aged mice treated with cycloastraganol were found to have fewer senescent cells and improved age-related physical dysfunction.

Cycloastragenol reduces senescent cells

Senescence is a known hallmark of aging, but researchers have found that eliminating senescent cells and their pro-inflammatory signaling molecules could help prevent age-related diseases and even reverse them in some cases. Here, researchers treated human cells with cycloastraganol and found that it effectively eliminated senescent cells without affecting non-senescent cells. In addition, cellular markers of senescent cells were significantly reduced after cycloastraganol treatment.

Previous research has shown that the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway—a signaling pathway involved in cell growth and survival—is involved in inflammatory processes initiated by senescent cells, helping to promote senescence in surrounding cells. The researchers found that cycloastragenol helped reduce proteins in this pathway, suggesting that the compound may work by blocking the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway to help prevent aging. Furthermore, cycloastragenol has been shown to reduce the ability of senescent cells to promote senescence through the release of inflammatory molecules, growth factors, and immunomodulators, consistent with suggestions that reducing PI3K, AKT, and mTOR signaling can reduce senescence-promoting effects among surrounding cells.

Cycloastragenol belongs to the triterpene saponins and is mainly obtained from the hydrolysis of astragaloside IV. It has a relatively small molecular weight and strong lipophilicity, which is beneficial to biofilm penetration and gastrointestinal absorption to achieve better bioavailability. The efficacy of cycloastragalinol
1. Treatment of brain damage
2. Improve liver fibrosis
3. Treatment of osteoporosis
4. Anti-aging effect
5. Delay cell aging

Why is it necessary to synthesize cycloastraganol?

① Cycloastraganol has various pharmacological effects such as inhibiting brain cell apoptosis and neuroinflammation during cerebral ischemia and maintaining the blood-brain barrier.
② Cycloastragenol is the only small molecule terpenoid compound with telomerase activity discovered so far and can treat neurodegenerative diseases.
③ It has the effects of inhibiting myocardial fibrosis and enhancing anti-tumor immunity. It is a popular molecule in the research and development of anti-aging drugs.

Existing problems

The content of cycloastraganol in Astragalus membranaceus is very low and it is difficult to obtain it directly. The existing cycloastraganol production strategy relies on traditional Chinese medicine extraction, which is mainly obtained by transforming astragaloside IV in Astragalus membranaceus. That is, astragaloside IV is obtained through astragalus planting and tissue culture technology, and then astragaloside IV is converted into cycloastragaloside using acidolysis, Smith degradation, enzyme and microbial hydrolysis. However, these preparation methods are costly, easy to cause environmental pollution, difficult to separate and purify, and are not conducive to application and promotion. Therefore, people have turned their attention to the artificial synthesis of cycloastraganol.

How to use synthetic biology to synthesize? ---Synthetic Biology

Synthetic Biology refers to the targeted design, transformation, and even creation of "artificial life" with unnatural functions under the guidance of engineering ideas, that is, the engineering of biology. Generally speaking, it is produced using biological methods.

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Post time: Aug-13-2024