

Why Should You Buy Spermidine Powder? The Key Benefits Explained

Spermidine is a polyamine compound found in all living cells. It plays a vital role in a variety of cellular processes, including cell growth, autophagy, and DNA stability. Spermidine levels in our bodies naturally decline as we age, which has been linked to the aging process and age-related diseases. This is where spermidine supplements come into play. There are several compelling reasons why you should consider purchasing spermidine powder. First, spermidine has been shown to have anti-aging properties. Studies have shown that spermidine supplementation can extend lifespan in a variety of organisms, including yeast, fruit flies, and mice.

What is spermidine?


Spermidine, also known as spermidine, is a triamine polyamine substance that is widely found in plants such as wheat, soybeans, and potatoes, microorganisms such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, and various animal tissues. Spermidine is a hydrocarbon with a zigzag-shaped carbon skeleton composed of 7 carbon atoms and amino groups at both ends and in the middle.

Modern research has proven that spermidine is involved in important life processes such as cellular DNA replication, mRNA transcription, and protein translation, as well as multiple pathophysiological processes such as body stress protection and metabolism. It has cardiovascular protection and neuroprotection, anti-tumor, and regulation of inflammation, etc. Important biological activity.

Spermidine is considered a potent activator of autophagy, an intracellular recycling process through which old cells renew themselves and regain activity. Spermidine plays a vital role in cell function and survival. In the body, spermidine is produced from its precursor putrescine, which in turn is a precursor to another polyamine called spermine, which is also critical to cell function.

Spermidine and putrescine stimulate autophagy, a system that breaks down intracellular waste and recycles cellular components and is a quality control mechanism for mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cell. Autophagy breaks down and disposes of damaged or defective mitochondria, and mitochondrial disposal is a tightly controlled process. Polyamines are able to bind to many different types of molecules, making them versatile. They support processes such as cell growth, DNA stability, cell proliferation, and apoptosis. Polyamines appear to function similarly to growth factors during cell division, which is why putrescine and spermidine are critical to the growth and function of healthy tissue.

Researchers studied how spermidine protects cells from oxidative stress, which can damage cells and lead to various diseases. They found that spermidine activates autophagy. The study identified several key genes affected by spermidine that reduce oxidative stress and promote autophagy in these cells. In addition, they found that blocking the mTOR pathway, which is normally involved in inhibiting autophagy, further enhanced spermidine's protective effects.

Which foods are high in spermidine?

Spermidine is an important polyamine. In addition to being produced by the human body itself, its abundant food sources and intestinal microorganisms are also key supply routes. The amount of spermidine in various foods varies significantly, with wheat germ being a well-known plant source. Other dietary sources include grapefruit, soy products, beans, corn, whole grains, chickpeas, peas, green peppers, broccoli, oranges, green tea, rice bran and fresh green peppers. In addition, foods such as shiitake mushrooms, amaranth seeds, cauliflower, mature cheese and durian also contain spermidine.

It's worth noting that the Mediterranean diet contains a lot of spermidine-rich foods, which may help explain the "blue zone" phenomenon where people live longer in certain areas. However, for people who are unable to consume enough spermidine through diet, spermidine supplements are an effective alternative. The spermidine in these supplements is the same naturally occurring molecule, making it an effective alternative.

What is putrescine?

The production of putrescine involves two pathways, both of which start with the amino acid arginine. In the first pathway, arginine is first converted to agmatine catalyzed by arginine decarboxylase. Subsequently, agmatine is further converted into N-carbamoylputrescine through the action of agmatine iminohydroxylase. Eventually, N-carbamoylputrescine is converted into putrescine, completing the transformation process. The second pathway is relatively simple, it directly converts arginine into ornithine, and then converts ornithine into putrescine through the action of ornithine decarboxylase. Although these two pathways have different steps, they both ultimately achieve the conversion from arginine to putrescine.

Putrescine is a diamine that is found in various organs such as pancreas, thymus, skin, brain, uterus and ovaries. Putrescine is also commonly found in foods such as wheat germ, green peppers, soybeans, pistachios, and oranges. Recent studies have shown that putrescine is an important metabolic regulatory substance that can interact with biological macromolecules such as negatively charged DNA, RNA, various ligands (such as β1 and β2 adrenergic receptors), and membrane proteins. , leading to a series of physiological or pathological changes in the body.

Spermidine Powder

Spermidine effect

Antioxidant activity: Spermidine has strong antioxidant activity and can react with free radicals to reduce oxidative damage to cells caused by free radicals. In the body, spermidine can also promote the expression of antioxidant enzymes and enhance antioxidant capacity.

Regulation of energy metabolism: Spermidine is involved in regulating the energy metabolism of organisms, can promote the absorption and utilization of glucose after food intake, and affects the ratio of aerobic metabolism and anaerobic metabolism by regulating the effectiveness of mitochondrial energy production.

anti-inflammatory effect

Spermidine has anti-inflammatory effects and can regulate the expression of inflammatory factors and reduce the occurrence of chronic inflammation. Mainly related to the nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) pathway.

Growth, development and immune regulation: Spermidine also plays an important role in growth, development and immune regulation. It can promote the secretion of growth hormone in the human body and help enhance the development of various tissues and organs of the body. At the same time, in immune regulation, spermidine enhances the body's resistance to viruses and diseases by regulating the production of white blood cells and promoting the removal of reactive oxygen species.

Delay aging: Spermidine can promote autophagy, a cleaning process inside cells that helps remove damaged organelles and proteins, thereby delaying aging.

Glial cell regulation: Spermidine plays an important regulatory role in glial cells. It can participate in cell signaling systems and functional connections between nerve cells, and plays an important regulatory role in neuron development, synaptic transmission, and resistance to neuropathy.

Cardiovascular protection: In the cardiovascular field, spermidine can reduce lipid accumulation in atherosclerotic plaques, reduce cardiac hypertrophy, and improve diastolic function, thereby achieving cardiac protection. In addition, dietary intake of spermidine improves blood pressure and reduces cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.

In 2016, research published in Atherosclerosis confirmed that spermidine can reduce lipid accumulation in atherosclerotic plaques. In the same year, a study published in Nature Medicine confirmed that spermidine can reduce cardiac hypertrophy and improve diastolic function, thereby protecting the heart and extending the lifespan of mice.

Improve Alzheimer's disease

Spermidine intake is beneficial to human memory function. The team of Professor Reinhart from Australia found that spermidine treatment can improve the cognitive function of the elderly. The study adopted a multi-center double-blind design and enrolled 85 elderly people in 6 nursing homes, who were randomly divided into two groups and used different doses of spermidine. Their cognitive function was evaluated through memory tests and divided into four groups: no dementia, mild dementia, moderate dementia and severe dementia. Blood samples were collected to evaluate the concentration of spermidine in their blood. The results showed that spermidine concentration was significantly related to cognitive function in the non-dementia group, and the cognitive level of elderly people with mild to moderate dementia improved significantly after ingesting high doses of spermidine.


Spermidine can promote autophagy, such as the mTOR (target of rapamycin) inhibitory pathway. By promoting autophagy, it helps remove damaged organelles and proteins in cells and maintains cell health.

Spermidine hydrochloride is used in various fields

In the pharmaceutical field, spermidine hydrochloride is used as a hepatoprotective drug that can improve liver function and reduce liver damage. In addition, spermidine hydrochloride can be used to treat conditions such as high cholesterol, hypertriglyceridemia, and cardiovascular disease.

Spermidine hydrochloride works by reducing plasma homocysteine ​​(Hcy) levels, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Studies have shown that spermidine hydrochloride can promote the metabolism of Hcy and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by reducing plasma Hcy levels.

A study on the effects of spermidine hydrochloride on cardiovascular disease risk showed that spermidine hydrochloride can reduce plasma Hcy levels, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. In the study, researchers divided participants into two groups, with one receiving spermidine hydrochloride supplementation and the other receiving a placebo.

Study results showed that participants who received spermidine hydrochloride supplementation had significantly lower plasma Hcy levels and a corresponding reduction in cardiovascular disease risk. Additionally, there are other studies supporting spermidine hydrochloride’s role in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

In the food field, spermidine hydrochloride is used as a flavor enhancer and humectant to enhance the taste of food and maintain the moisture of food. In addition, spermidine hydrochloride can also be used as a feed additive to improve the growth rate and muscle quality of animals.

In cosmetics, spermidine hydrochloride is used as a humectant and antioxidant to maintain skin moisture and reduce free radical damage. In addition, spermidine hydrochloride can also be used in sunscreens to reduce the damage of ultraviolet rays to the skin.

In the agricultural field, spermidine hydrochloride is used as a plant growth regulator to promote crop growth and increase yields.

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Post time: Sep-03-2024